Monday, May 11, 2009

Buona Sera Tutti

Where to start ... the flight was delayed an hour (I don't know why) and then we sat on the runway for another 1/2 hour because they had to add fuel as we were decidedly TOO heavy. We finally got off the ground. I was seated beside a very nice young woman who became rather ill during the night. It was either stomach flu or food poisoning. Needless to say i didn't get any sleep except I kept nodding off on the train into town. That can be a problem if you aren't paying attention to the stops.

I read somewhere that a taxi ride from the railway station to pretty much anywhere would be in the 10-15 Euro range - my 3.5 km trip cost 35 Euros. and that was after spending 11Eu for a 30 minute train ride that took over an hour! This was a very good lesson in Italian economics - ASK first!

You are not going to believe this hotel for 100 Eu/day. Breakfast is 5 Eu extra. The place is very run down but spotless. And if I had my druthers, I'll take spotless any day. The concierge, Aurora, is very nice and most helpful. She gave me tour info and maps before I even asked for them.

Fargin Airplane, my ankles look like 2 footballs and my eyes are burning due to lack of sleep. I'm relaxing right now but will change into a lighter top and go for a walk - 24C here this afternoon.

The River Tevere meanders through Rome and this is one of many beautiful bridges that cross it usually at the site of some major architectual landmark. There is so much marble in this city and the streets are still paved with flat cobblestone - probably been here since the beginning of time. You know how they say "all roads lead to Rome"? It may well be true, but let me tell you that once you are here Good Luck finding your way around. Except for the large thoroughfares, all the streets are 1 way and in no apparent order, I might add. Not only are they 1 way but they meander and backtrack on themselves. I would not want to own a vehicle here. There is absolutely NO parking!

This is a typical neighbourhood street in Rome. Every 2nd business is either a restaurant, a coffee bar or a gelateria. The next group you will see qute often is antique shops or shops that specialize in collectibles. All of it is so charming.

I followed the tourist map given me by Aurora and managed to find the Piazza Navona. The Piazza is encircled by restaurants. It is, in itself enormous and features artists, caricaturists, photographers, muscians and human statues. I was there today between 4 & 5 and the place was practically wall-to-wall people. I wandered around a bit then found a bench and just absorbed the atmosphere. It was wonderul.

I'm going to sign off for now and go scrounge some vittles. I think I'll bypass the restaurant closest to the hotel ... they want 28Eu for Pasta Verde. Not from this tourist anyway!

Ciao for now!


  1. Sounds great (except for the whole sick on the plane thing ... eeeww)

    Cant wait to see more

